Tired of posting rental ads daily?

Automate Your Ad Posting Today!

Are you tired of posting ad listings daily on different platforms? Use our ads posting automation tool to create your listing once and post across platforms in just one click.

Start For Free No CC Required.
Automation available for
Launching Soon

Create Rental Listing Once,

Post On Every Platform In 1 Click

Start For Free Watch the magic with your eyes

Ads Posting Automation

Save time, work smarter with us!

Create Your Listing

Use your CRM or Listing Management System to fill all the property details possible along with photos.

Connect Our Extension

Connect our extension with your CRM or LMS with the platforms you want to post on.

Post Ads In A Click

Post ads to the platform selected and watch the form get magically filled along with all details and photos.

Tired of posting rental ads daily?

Become A Property Poster!

Have a unique workflow?

Start For Free